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文/ Dr.Adrian Dubock 译/吴恒
2014-11-09 10:05
澎湃质量观 >




       10月24日,澎湃新闻(www.thepaper.cn)在上海采访了参加会议的黄金大米人道主义委员会执行秘书、黄金大米工程负责人Adrian Dubock博士,并在此后半个月里,就一些技术问题以及观点对其进行了邮件采访,现将其对黄金大米、转基因技术的介绍以及对一些反转基因组织的评价以来信的方式展示。英文原文附于文末。


        维生素A缺乏症是儿童失明的主要原因,每年全球有近50万儿童受此困扰,如果在之后的一年里状况没有好转,其中一半的儿童会因此死亡。更重要的是,最近20年的研究发现,VAD是一种营养获得性免疫缺陷综合症。患有VAD的儿童或孕妇免疫力会减弱,难以抵抗疾病,一些对正常人而言常见的疾病对于VAD患者可能是致命的。充足的维生素A能预防全球范围内23% - 34%的5岁以下儿童的死亡率以及40%的孕妇死亡率。














        因此不难理解,英国环境、食品与农业事务部国务大臣Owen Paterson将绿色和平组织反对黄金大米的行为称之为“邪恶”。此外,绿色和平组织的联合创始人Patrick Moore后来在1970年代离开了这一组织,如今他将该组织反对黄金大米的行为视为“反人类罪”。有个网站(www.allowgoldenricenow.org)在讲这个事情,你们可以去看看。


        Letter from Dr.Adrian Dubock

        According to the data of World Health Organisation, VAD is very common, it affects 250 million children globally, and a significant number of pregnant women too.

        Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of childhood blindness globally, with up to half a million children affected each year, or which half of them die within 12 months if the condition is not treated. Even more important, and only recognised in the last 20 years, is that vitamin A deficiency is a nutritionally acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Children and mothers with insufficient vitamin A in their diets lose the protection of their normal immune defences against common or uncommon diseases. Diseases which should be survivable in well-nourished people become lethal. A universal source of vitamin A will prevent 23 – 34% of total under 5 years’ child mortality globally, and up to 40% maternal mortality.        

        Vitamin A deficiency in China

        Vitamin A deficiency is a common nutritional problem in China among the urban and rural populations. In 2004, the prevalence of vitamin deficiency among children of 3 to 12 years old was 9.3%: in the urban areas 3.0% and in rural areas 11.2%. The prevalence of marginal vitamin A deficiency was 45% of the whole population: with 29% in urban and 50% in rural areas. A 2006 survey found VAD affecting 12.2% of Chinese children 0 – 6 years, and severe VAD afflicting 0.5% of the same age group. Chinese children living in the poor western area having a mother with either poor education or of minority ethnicity have a high risk of VAD. Reviewing a decade’s data up to 2005, the World Health Organisation in 2009 reported that vitamin A deficiency was a severe public health problem for pregnant women in China.        

        Only animals and humans can make vitamin A. A balanced diet including animal products such as eggs, milk, butter, cheese and liver as well as coloured fruits and vegetables is ideal. The human body makes vitamin A from the chemicals in the coloured parts of plants we eat. Animal products eaten by humans provide actual vitamin A. But many people cannot afford to eat animal products. Normally the conversion efficiency from plants sources of vitamin A is very poor too.        

        “A young child between ages one year and three would need to eat eight servings of dark green leafy vegetables per day in order to meet the Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin A. The problem of the low bioavailability of vitamin A in plant foods has brought the sobering reality of the virtual impossibility for most poor, young children to meet their vitamin A requirements through vegetable and fruit intake alone. The low bioavailability of vitamin A from plant foods explains, in part, the presence of vitamin A deficiency among children living amid ample supplies of dark green leafy vegetables and other plant sources of vitamin A”.        

        Since the early 1990’s vitamin A capsules have been provided, ideally twice a year, in many places where the population suffers from vitamin A deficiency. But the capsules cannot be taken by the most vulnerable to the deficiency, very young children, because of toxicity concerns. The capsules have to be paid for, they have to be distributed which also costs money, and the relevant people have to be in contact. At the time of their introduction the use of vitamin A capsules was controversial. Undoubtedly however vitamin A capsule programmes have saved millions of lives in the last 25 years. But for the above reasons the programmes are unsustainable. And vitamin A deficiency remains problematic killing around 6000 under 5 years’ old children every single day that the United Nations and national governments have tried to overcome it for the same 25 years.        

        Vitamin A deficiency is often associated with poverty, and especially an overdependence in the diet of a carbohydrate rich food, without any of the coloured chemicals which the human body can turn into vitamin A. A good example is white rice: a good source of energy, but with no pro-vitamin A or other essential micronutrients, such as iron. In some rice consuming populations rice constitutes 80%+ of the daily diet. And as food prices increase the percentage of rice increases as it remains the cheapest.        

        Golden Rice        

        Golden Rice is the first purposefully designed food designed to be of assistance as an additional intervention to combat vitamin A deficiency. By inserting one gene from yellow maize, and one from a very commonly ingested by humans soil bacterium, the rice has been induced to make the coloured chemical which humans can turn into vitamin A when eaten. It is the ultimate ‘organic crop’: the rice plant itself makes the beta-carotene source of vitamin A, not just in the leaves as in a white rice plant, but also in the rice grain itself, the only part which is consumed by man.        

        The genetic modification which created Golden Rice occurred once, in a laboratory in UK, in about 2004. Since then only conventional breeding systems have been used to multiply the rice. The inventors have donated the nutritional technology free of any charge to governments who want to breed it into the rice varieties their people like to eat, and which grow well in their countries. The project is not-for-profit. No one, and no organisation, involved in the development of Golden Rice will gain financially from adoption of the nutritional technology or not.        

        Human Research and Greenpeace opposition        

        In 2001 Greenpeace, the political activist group already long opposed to any use of GM-technology in crop breeding, claimed that a breast-feeding woman would have to eat at least 6.3 kg of uncooked Golden Rice, nearly 18 kg of cooked rice, daily to obtain any benefit from it.'        

        This outrageous claim, the first of many, was without justification. At the time shortly after research had started, in the absence of human data, no one knew how much would be needed. Rational estimations were however much more realistic: it was expected, but at the time not known, that Golden rice could provide a useful source (beta-carotene) of vitamin A in the human diet.    

        Following similar research in USA with adults and Golden Rice, and in children in China with other plant sources of pro-vitamin A, Chinese born Dr Guangwen Tang and her mostly Chinese co-investigators undertook research with Golden Rice, spinach and beta-carotene (the coloured chemical) in oil and Chinese children. The field research, initially carefully planned in 2003 was completed in 2008. The only difference between Golden Rice and white rice is that Golden Rice contains beta-carotene. At the levels found in food, including Golden Rice, beta-carotene is safe. The human body excretes, and does not convert to vitamin A, what it does not need.        

        The Chinese research conducted with the full cooperation of families and a school in Hengyang in 2008 was not a safety test; safety was already established, and human research, especially research involving children, is very tightly controlled in both China and USA and other countries.        

        The research used very sophisticated methods of analysis of very small samples of blood to understand how efficiently the beta carotene was converted to vitamin A. The results were spectacularly good: ‘’The b-carotene in Golden Rice is as effective as pure beta-carotene in oil and better than that in spinach at providing vitamin A to children. A bowl of about 100 to 150 g cooked Golden Rice (50 g dry weight) can provide about 60% of the Chinese Recommended Nutrient Intake of vitamin A for 6–8-y-old children’’. “GR may be as useful as a source of preformed vitamin A from vitamin A capsules, eggs, or milk to overcome VAD in rice-consuming populations. Awareness of the vitamin A equivalence of plant foods provides a scientific basis for designing food-based nutritional programs to improve vitamin A status in many regions of the world where VAD is still common.” Both these quotes are from the scientific paper reporting the 2008 research with Chinese children published online on 8th August 2012. Clearly Greenpeace were very wrong in 2001, and had every reason (from their political perspective of opposing all gm-crops) to try and discredit these excellent 2012 results of Tang and her co-investigators obtained through the 2008 cooperation of Chinese families!        

        On 30th August 2012, Greenpeace from their German computer server issued a press release in China: “This study could not have taken place without a serious breach of scientific and medical ethics, and goes against a Chinese government decision to abort plans for the trial.” This Greenpeace press release misinformed the Chinese people, and having had zero reported issues in the official 2 years follow up of the research in 2008 to 2010, suddenly the parents of the children involved in the research became concerned. Their concern was echoed by social media, and the press, and the hysteria which developed caused the issue to be the most widely commented upon on Wei-bo for a couple of weeks.        

        In fact, one third of the children involved had consumed, on one occasion only, one small serving of Golden Rice containing approximately the same amount of beta-carotene as in a small carrot.        

        It is understandable that a UK Government Minister, Owen Paterson, responsible for Food, the Environment and Rural Affairs has called Greenpeace “Wicked” for their opposition to Golden Rice. Similarly, Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace in the 1970’s left the increasing ‘anti-human’ Greenpeace organisation and has accused them of crimes against humanity, for their opposition to Golden Rice (see: www.allowgoldenricenow.org )


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