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澎湃新闻英语征稿选登| 今年的年兽成了新冠病毒
今天刊登的是来自ValeyVast 英语俱乐部的Augie小朋友的投稿。Augie向我们介绍说,中国传统上说过年,是因为古时候传说中有一个叫“年”的怪兽,人们用爆炸声、火光和红色的物件来吓退怪兽。而今年,过年期间的“怪兽”变成了新冠病毒。让我们起来读一读他的作文吧。
作品:《A Special New Year》
作者:朱子昂 (Augie)9岁 海桐小学 三年级8班
A long time ago in China, there was a monster called Nian. It was a giant and looked like a fierce wild animal. On New Year Eve, Nian came to a village and ate people. People were scared of Nian until a wise man taught the villagers that Nian was afraid of three things: loud noise, fire and red color. The next year, when Nian came back people hit drums loudly, set off firecrackers and wore red clothes from head to toe. Nian was frightened so it ran far away and never came back again.

Originally, during Chinese New Year we could set off firecrackers, play with friends and eat New Year Eve dinner outside with our families, but this monster is so strong that we have to stay at home to protect ourselves. When we go out we must wear a mask like a Ninja, when we go back we must wash our hands thoroughly.
Although this Chinese New Year we are suffering because of this monster, we are still happy with our families. We also believe we will beat this monster and the world will be back to normal.

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