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澎湃新闻英语征稿选登| 与往年不同的春节
今天刊登的是来自ValeyVast 英语俱乐部的Eva小朋友的投稿。她在春节期间去了北京,参观了故宫,由于疫情的影响Eva看到路上的人比往年都少多了。让我们起来读一读她的作文吧。
作品:《Chinese New Year》
作者: 俞名书(Eva)12岁 民办协和双语学校7A班
The new year is one of the most important festivals in China. People get together. They eat, play and watch TV. During New Year’s Eve, we eat a fancy dinner.
This year, I spent half of my winter holiday in Beijing. The weather there is not as cold as it was before. Due to the virus outbreak, there were fewer people in the malls. The few pedestrians on the road were wearing masks.

By the time I got back to Shanghai, the disease was very serious, so now everyone wears a mask.
This outbreak is really nasty. Why do they eat venison?

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