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澎湃新闻英语征稿选登| 我家的新春传统

2020-03-25 15:28
亲子学堂 >


今天刊登的是来自ValeyVast 英语俱乐部的Alpha小朋友的投稿。她在作文里描述了自己家庭的新春传统,家庭聚餐,看春晚,发红包等等。并且他还解释了每一种习俗中蕴含的美好的意义。让我们来读一读她的作文吧,了解这些习俗到底蕴含了哪些美好的寓意。

作品:《My family’s Chinese New Year Traditions》

作者:董星如(Alpha) 9岁 万科双语学校 三(1)班

I want to talk about my family’s traditions during Chinese New Year. People in different countries celebrate New Year differently, and so does my family, let us see how we celebrate!

First, I will talk about one thing that is the same for all Chinese families, which is that we all gather together at our home, eating, and chatting with each other. It is an essential moment for family reunion when family members from each parts of the country gather together, enjoy home-made food and share their yearlong stories.

My family does this as well and it has become our family tradition. On New Year’s Eve, we eat some special dishes, such as fish, sweet potatoes and dumplings. We eat fish because it means that we will have extra money in the new year. Our sweet potatoes coated with brown sugar is a special dish for Chinese New Year, which is always served as the last dish in our feast. Sweet potato is my grandma‘s signature dish. It has to be eaten immediately after cook and comes with a bowl of cold water or beer. When we pick it up by chopsticks, finding a long sugar string in a sweet potato, it represents long and sweet life. Then, we will dip it into cold water to chill out the sugar. It is delicious and crispy. It is a great combination of meaningfulness and taste.

After dinner we watch a show called Chun Wan together, which has been a family traditional entertainment on Chinese New Year Eve for more than 30 years. My father and mother watched this show with my grandparents when they were in my age. They loved it because it gathered the most talented performers all over China and it delivered art, music, culture as well as laughter. This show has It lots of different performances like dancing, singing and Xiang Sheng. Xiang Sheng is a program about two people talking about funny social phenomenon that make audience laugh. It is my favorite program. The show will end until midnight, then we will watch the firework together.

After midnight we also give each other red envelopes with lucky money. The lucky money in the red envelopes has to be newly issued and never used, since we believe it is a new start and everything has to be fresh. Usually kids only receive red envelope, but in my family, I would also like to give my parents and grandparents lucky money from my savings. It is my way of giving new year gifts and expressing my wishes to others my family.

After all these traditions, we could then finally go to sleep. These are my family’s Chinese New Year traditions!



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