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诺贝尔奖获得者Sir J. Fraser Stoddart教授在兰州大学建校110周年纪念大会上的...

2019-09-26 19:14

本文原标题:《诺贝尔奖获得者Sir J. Fraser Stoddart教授在兰州大学建校110周年纪念大会上的致辞》

Dear colleagues

Ladies and gentlemen

Good morning!


I begin this address by expressing my heartfelt thanks to Lanzhou University for inviting me to speak on this wonderful and historic occasion. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest congratulations to everyone in the room, on the campus and beyond on this red-letter day which marks the 110th anniversary of the University.


What a long and rich history this magnificent institution can boast, not only here in China but all around the world. For over 100 years, Lanzhou University has nurtured generations of leaders in areas ranging from physics and chemistry to economics and geography, from mathematics and biology to history and engineering, from Chinese literature to business studies – indeed, in every field of human endeavor.


Graduates and researchers from Lanzhou University have contributed to countless spheres of learning, from social and economic development to the scientific progress of the nation as a whole. In more recent times, this development and progress have been rapid and will be sustained. Of that, there is no doubt. China is setting the agenda in science and engineering for the rest the world to follow. Let me go a step further and say that, in many corners of the globe, China is becoming the envy of the world when it comes to the country’s support of science and engineering.


The role the University has been playing is a crucial one for China and the Western Region of the country. The commitment and the efforts expressed over the past 100 years is a legacy that should leave Lanzhou University bursting with pride. It represents an awe-inspiring gift and will act as a source of inspiration for the students, teachers and leaders of today's modern University. Its influence is already far-reaching, and this trend is set to continue well into the future. Lanzhou University has quite rightly been selected as a double “First-Class” university. Congratulations! From this platform, you are destined to have an even more promising future in learning and education, in research and entrepreneurship, in community service and engagement.


As an aficionados of history myself, I am well aware that I am visiting a land which boasts a rich and proud history that dates back over 8000 years, The Western Region of China is an ideal place for a university to grow up and receive its nutrition from the essence and wealth of Chinese culture. Looking back in time, Chinese civilization has had a profound influence on the world at large. Looking to the future, many of us in the rest of the world, myself included, witness China entering into a new golden era where the country is poised to offer leadership in promoting science and technology, in answering society’s needs and expectations, in supporting music and the arts in all its forms. The rapid growth of China in tomorrow’s world will provide Lanzhou University with an unprecedented opportunity to set the agenda for further achievements in all fields of human endeavor.


Historically, Lanzhou was one of the focal points on ancient Silk Road. Today, the city plays a new role in terms of the “Belt & Road” initiative. Higher education generates broader economic growth as well as individual success. And, of course, this impact is not just national, it is global. A ferment of ideas and innovation accompanies the proliferation of exchanges of faculty and students. UNESCO reports an over 60% increase in the numbers of those studying outside their home countries in the past decade alone. I understand that, here at Lanzhou University, internationalization is one of the priorities you are addressing. It goes without saying that internationalization provides profound opportunities for Lanzhou University to establish its global identity, as well as affording the space and the time to broaden your graduates’ intellectual horizons.


Back in 1963, on the occasion of the Centenary of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States, President Kennedy, addressing the subject of the international nature of science had these words to say. “The great scientific challenges transcend national frontiers and national prejudices. The language of science has always been universal and perhaps scientists have been the most international of all professions in their outlook. The contemporary revolution in transport and communications has dramatically contributed to the internationalization of science and one of the consequences has been the increase in organized international cooperation.” These sentiments are as true today as they were 46 years ago.


Lanzhou University will surely play a much more active and deeper role in terms of its contributions to academic research, to social harmony and well-being, and to the development of China's economy in the Western Region. You must work hard to ensure that your efforts promote what is valuable to the community and avoid following pursuits and practices that are less valuable. You must also accept higher education's role in driving economic development and solving society's most urgent and pressing problems, of which environmental protection and climate change are perhaps the most important of all in my opinion.


You have produced a number of outstanding scholars at Lanzhou University. I have been privileged to have had the opportunity to work closely with two of them. Xirui Gong, who obtained her BS Degree from this University studied in your Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. She carried out research with Professors Qiang Wang and Wei Wang before arriving at Northwestern University in October 2013. Xirui defended here PhD thesis on the “Rational Design and Structure Property Relationships of Diazaperopyrenium Dications" few weeks ago, leaving her thesis committee in complete awe of her amazing achievements in research. Dr Qing-Hui Guo joined my research group in early 2017 after graduating with his PhD from Tsinghua University. In common with Xirui, Qing-Hui obtained his BS Degree in your Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. I have only one word to describe the quality of Dr Guo’s postdoctoral research. Awesome! His article, published this summer in the high-profile journal, Chem, on “A Hierarchical Nanoporous Diamondoid Superstructure” has been extremely well received by the scientific community. It is only the tip of the iceberg. There is more and even better to come. [Invite Qing-Hui in the audience to stand up.]. Drs Gong and Guo, two star students from Lanzhou University. You have every right to feel proud of both of them. The world is their oyster! I will be more than happy to continue our collaboration and provide you with my opinions and advice in areas of common interest.

兰州大学培养出了一大批优秀的学者,我很荣幸和其中的两位一起共事。其中一位是龚玺瑞,她在兰州大学化学院取得本科学位,先后跟随王强教授和王为教授一起进行研究,2013年10月到西北大学学习。几周以前,玺瑞刚刚完成了她的博士论文答辩。她的博士论文题目是“二氮杂靴二蒽双阳离子化合物的理性设计与结构性质关系”,充分向答辩委员会成员展示了他在研究领域的突出成就。另外一位学生是郭庆辉, 他在2017年清华大学博士毕业后加入到我的课题组。和玺瑞一样,庆辉也在贵校化学院获得本科学位。对于郭博士在博士后期间的表现,我只能用一个词来形容,那就是“太棒了”!今年夏天,他在著名期刊《化学》上发表了一篇题为“一种分层纳米多孔金刚石型超结构”的文章,受到了科学界的广泛认可。这只是冰山一角,我相信会有更多优秀的人才脱颖而出。(我想请龚玺瑞和郭庆辉在观众席上向大家起立示意),龚博士和郭博士,兰州大学值得为拥有这样的两名明星学生而倍感自豪。世界尽在他们掌握之中,我很愿意继续与兰州大学的合作,并就共同感兴趣的领域提供我的见解。

It is my privilege and honor to join with you and witness this important moment in the history of the University. Today is a milestone. You have every reason to believe you are blazing a trail towards becoming a world-class University. Once again, I congratulate you on your 110th anniversary. Celebrate it with pride and joy! I wish the University a long and prosperous future.

Thank you all.



内容来源 | 校庆办 党委宣传部(新闻中心)

编辑 | 韦世龙

主编 | 肖坤


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