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双语推荐|孟加拉国小伙蔡鹏: 在武汉有很多“心头好”

2019-08-21 20:02



In the 40 years of China’s reform and opening up, Hubei is opening its arms and mind to people from all corners of the world, attracting more and more foreigners to study and work here.

A series of reports focusing on Hubei's characteristics and development in the eyes of foreigners will be published. In this issue, let’s tap into the story of Rivu, a Bangladeshi student in Wuhan.

△ Arpon Barua Rivu

蔡鹏来自孟加拉国,原名Arpon Barua Rivu,目前在武汉大学汉语言专业读大二。

Arpon Barua Rivu, a Bangladeshi student in Wuhan, is now majoring Chinese language at Wuhan University.


“My teacher gave me the Chinese name Cai Peng (蔡鹏), ” he introduced shyly to the reporter of Hubei Daily, writing down the two complex Chinese characters nicely.


He expects to work as a Chinese teacher in Bangladesh after graduation.

“Hot dry noodles, my delicious discovery in Wuhan.”

△ Hot dry noodles, a traditional snack in Wuhan with a history in Chinese food culture for 80 years.


Rivu starts every day with hot dry noodles, the most popular snack among Wuhan locals.


He still remembered the day when he first arrived in Wuhan two years ago. Rivu and his friends who arrived at 10 o'clock in the evening planned to dine out, but most restaurants were closed at that time.


They finally found an opening noodle house, but didn’t understand the menu. So they gestured to tell the shop owner that they want to have the same noodles as the diner at their neighboring table. The noodles were quickly served. It was so funny that, only one bite, Rivu didn’t dare to have the second try. “ It really has a kind of unspeakable taste, ” he said.


In the later days, he learned that this noodle with strange taste is hot dry noodles, a famous snack in Wuhan.


Rivu decided to partake in Wuhan’s culture, and tried the noodles several more times. Unexpectedly, he gradually fell in love with the unique taste of hot dry noodles.

“Wuhan East lake, my favourite haunt ! ”


Except for hot dry noodles, Rivu has discovered many other foods and places that he is fond of in Wuhan.


The East Lake is his favourite haunt. He said that the pleasant and placid lake is what energizes him, is what keeps him going when he feels depressed.

△ Wuhan East Lake


In his spare time, Rivu visited nearly every corner of Wuhan University. “What I like to do best is overlooking the Cherry Avenue from the top of Cherry Garden, ” he noted. In the winter of 2017, he saw the snow for the first time, leaving him a deep impression.

“I want to be a Chinese teacher after graduation.”


Rivu has dreamed of being a teacher since childhood.


By the end of his high school, Rivu read a report about the Confucius Institute in the newspaper, knowing that it is an organization dedicated to promoting Chinese and Chinese culture as well as providing formal teaching for Chinese learners around the world.


Then, the idea of coming to study in China came into his mind. He seeked out the local office of Confucius Institute and collected the information on registration. In 2017, he came to Wuhan University as wished.


Rivu had kept thinking of wandering around the university when he knew it is known as the most beautiful university in China on the internet. He is excited to be able to study in such a gorgeous place.


Chinese Pinyin, which is different from English pronunciation, makes Rivu feel very fresh and difficult.


“The hardest thing is to learn the tone,” he said. Rivu is now studying for the HSK test, for which, he even didn’t go back during the summer vacation.


Two years later, Rivu will graduate and return to Bangladesh to teach Chinese.


“I have gained a lot in Wuhan, not just Chinese,”he sighed, citing that his classmates prepared a cake and celebrated birthday for him without his knowledge last year.


Rivu has been allowing himself to dwell on this heartwarming thing, and each will bring a touch of happiness and gratitude.


Rivu plans to invite his parents to Wuhan to attend his graduation ceremony. After returning, he will be committed to teach Chinese well, and will also strive to convey the warmth and gratitude he harvested in Wuhan to others.

记者:阮新奇 曾雅青













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