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游记 | 悬浮都市阿布扎比:高处不胜寒
原创 MKLA 守望中东


在酒店吃了欧洲和中东风格兼具的自助早餐 (炖豆子和抓饭可能也是我们此行唯一吃到的阿拉伯料理),趁着冬日暖阳游泳消化一下,然后踏上寻觅下一顿饭的征程。
We loaded our plates with Continental and Middle Eastern choices at the breakfast buffet. (The fava bean stew and the pilaf is probably the only Arab cuisine we would taste during this trip.) As the temperature rises with the winter sun, we moved to the pool to quickly digest the food before heading to the next meal.

^ 这颗流心煎蛋的出品值得肯定。The sunny side up is perfect.

^ za'atar 百里香漆树香料可颂好评~ And I’d definitely recommend this za’atar croissant.

Is this our second breakfast, morning tea time, brunch, lunch, or early afternoon tea? On our way to Qasr al Watan, we arrived at Conrad Hotel’s observation deck and started reading the menu. Located on the 74th floor and 300 meters above sea level, the cafe offers a bird-eye’s view of the coast and the city.

^ 市区方向 City view

^ 刚刚诞生的人工岛 Another island is born

^ 盘踞一方的文化东方 The imposing Emirates Palace Mandarin Oriental, Abu Dhabi

^ 我们接下来的目的地 Our next destination
环境宽敞安静,服务友善。在这样得天独厚的景观位,55 AED 每人的最低消费(2023年),买到美味又大份的饮料和三明治真的很实惠了。
塞入了四种奶酪的帕尼尼 :D 超级柔嫩、超级流心、超级拉丝。火鸡肉培根 (看起来和吃起来都更像香肠) 恰巴塔里面的辣味蛋黄酱也很惊艳,选三明治都刻意避开蛋黄酱的人表示竟然毫不油腻,低调又不失魅力地连接了鸡肉和面包。

Powerful four cheese panini :D gooey, melty, stretchy, mixed with a kick of gorgonzola. Very satisfying. Turkey bacon (tastes and looks more like turkey sausage) ciabatta had a decent spicy mayonnaise. The Emirates sparkling mocktail was really refreshing :D not too sweet, not too gassy. I don’t like alcohol so this is 100% awesome for me, and much better than all the mocktails and fruit punch I’ve had. Perhaps the Emirate bartenders put more efforts to make non-alcohol drinks because this should the norm here.
Pastries all look lovely, wish I’ll save some space in my stomach to try them next time.
Service is warm and attentive. With the beautiful scene, the delicious food (which didn’t shrink in size at the tourist attraction), the 55 AED per person minimum spend is totally a willing pleasure ^^

^ 圣诞氛围 Christmas decorations

^ 酒店也是阿联酋高楼群阿布扎比五巨头中的二号塔。Conrad Abu Dhabi is also the second tower in the five-tower complex called the Etihad Towers.
We finished our meal and walked toward the Presidential Palace. The sunshine was still scorching at noon time even in December. The buildings that appeared so near from the sky now seemed as unreachable as a mirage. Probably most people would travel by tourist bus or by taxi anyways. There were hardly any signs on the sidewalk.

We were loaded onto an internal bus after security and brought inside the Presidential Palace complex.

^ 这个灯也好高啊。 The lamp is so tall lol

It's time to enter the glittering world.
<<未完待续:To be continued
下期预告:何似在人间 Are we still on earth
(多图预警 & 时间待定)
但是——Ara Malikian的演唱会分享快写好了!
游记|悬浮都市阿布扎比:4. 我是猫
游记 | 特拉维夫一人食:从海法开到特拉维夫的奶奶的三明治
中东音乐 | 把你的手伸进云里,要做一个小小的梦
P.S. Many thanks to Heidi for being a wonderful travel companion :) Congratulations for being getting the green light to devour seafood again!
原标题:《游记 | 悬浮都市阿布扎比:5. 高处不胜寒》

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