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2024-07-06 11:30

第一章 目标愿景

第一条 支持人工智能科技向善发展,通过广泛凝聚共识和明确治理导则,推动人形机器人技术创新和进步,促进全球人工智能技术发展和应用。

第二条 确保人形机器人的智能化设计和应用符合人类伦理,及时制定人形机器人应遵守的伦理准则和道德规范。

第三条 确保人形机器人的智能化设计和应用不会威胁人类安全,切实保障人类尊严和安全。

第四条 倡导人机共生理念,促进人机共生发展,推动人形机器人更好地服务于人类社会的发展。

第五条 推动科技与人类社会共同发展,以法治捍卫人类福祉,让包括人形机器人在内的科技发展真正助推人类命运共同体的构建,有效防止科技滥用。

第二章 基本遵循

第六条 人形机器人的智能化设计、制造应当遵循人类价值观和伦理原则,不得危害人类的生命、尊严和自由。

第七条 应当持续优化人形机器人所用人工智能算法模型的透明度和可解释性,促进其决策和行为可被理解和有效管控。

第八条 人形机器人技术的发展应用应当注重社会责任和可持续性,推动人形机器人技术的包容性发展。

第九条 人形机器人技术的发展应用应当遵守法律法规,建立安全预警和应急响应系统,加强对人形机器人技术相关滥用行为的监测和治理,确保技术应用的安全性和合法性。

第三章 创新发展

第十条 倡导各国政产学研机构加大对人形机器人产业的投入和示范应用,以发展新质生产力为导向,推动发展未来产业,促进人形机器人技术创新和产业升级。

第十一条 倡导建立开放、包容的人形机器人产业合作机制,推动人形机器人产业链的互联互通,建设全球共建共享共治的人形机器人产业生态。

第十二条 倡导投入更多科技资源和研发力量,加强机器人关键技术研究,支持创新成果及时有效转化,推动人形机器人技术的发展和应用落地。

第十三条 加强技术标准和规范建设,建立统一的人形机器人技术标准和规范体系,促进产业规范化发展,提升产品质量和安全性。

第十四条 构建完善的知识产权保护体系,保障研发者权益,推动人形机器人技术革新,维护市场秩序。

第十五条 注重人才培养和交流,支持多学科交叉研究和协同创新,促进在伦理、法治、安全等多个维度的价值对齐,为产业发展提供理论和技术支持。

第十六条 引入全球人形机器人产业生态合作伙伴计划,推广全球人形机器人示范用户行动,全面推动人形机器人产业的健康可持续发展。

第四章 风险管理

第十七条 人形机器人的研发者、制造者、销售者、使用者依法依规承担相应义务,鼓励建立人形机器人的伦理研究和合规审查机构,确保人形机器人的生产使用符合安全标准和伦理要求。

第十八条 人形机器人用户应当接受相关培训和教育,合理使用机器人,不得将其用于违法活动或危害社会安全、违反伦理道德的行为。

第十九条 人形机器人的应用应当遵守事先设定的规则和程序执行任务,不得擅自改变任务目标或执行方式。

第二十条 人形机器人的设计、制造、应用应当加强隐私和数据保护功能的要求,处理数据应符合相关法律法规和技术标准要求。

第二十一条 构建人形机器人违法应用的系统性风险预警与应急处置机制,防范生产者、使用者利用人形机器人从事违法活动。

第二十二条 研发者应设置风险预警程序和后台中断程序,应对使用者无法控制人形机器人可能或正在出现的违背法律、伦理状态时,实现其对人形机器人的中断控制。

第五章 全球治理

第二十三条 建立健全适应人形机器人发展阶段的全球治理体系,倡导发展人形机器人治理的多双边机制,凝聚科技界、产业界和法律界等各方力量,共同维护人形机器人技术的发展应用始终符合全人类共同价值。

第二十四条 推动人形机器人治理基于共识的行动,鼓励相关各方先行制定一定范围内适用的规则、标准、法律及其实施体系,维护人形机器人技术的发展应用的法治秩序。

第二十五条 建立人形机器人全生命周期管理制度,加强设计和制造阶段的安全评估和认证、使用阶段的定期维护和安全检查,以及报废阶段的环保处理和资源回收,保障人形机器人全生命周期的安全性、可靠性和可持续性。

第二十六条 定期发布《全球人形机器人安全评估报告》,向全社会广泛公开相关信息,明确公众反馈意见、参与监督的渠道和方式,保障公众知情权和监督权。

第二十七条 构建人形机器人用户安全风险教育机制,推广人形机器人技术应用的通识教育,对齐全社会对人形机器人的基本认知和合理使用技能,避免用户出现不适当的情感依赖,有效减少人形机器人用户的误用滥用。

第二十八条 推动全球人形机器人治理规则的整合同步和开放共享,建立全球人形机器人治理智库和案例库。

第六章 附则

第二十九条 本导则由世界人工智能大会法治论坛组织发布和后续修订完善。

第三十条 本导则向全球人形机器人技术研究、制造、应用及治理相关机构开放联合签署,由各签署方自愿执行。








Guidelines for Humanoid Robot Governance

These guidelines aim to align the governance of humanoid robots to promote the healthy development of artificial intelligence technology and industry. They ensure that the design, development, and application of humanoid robots adhere to human moral and ethical values, safeguard the rights and security of humans using humanoid robots in a sustainable manner, and bring greater well-being and convenience to all of humanity.

Chapter I: Goals and Visions

Article 1: Support the sound development of artificial intelligence technology, foster innovation and advancement in humanoid robot technology through widespread consensus and clear governance guidelines, and facilitate the global development and application of artificial intelligence technology.

Article 2: Ensure that the intelligent design and application of humanoid robots align with human ethics by establishing ethical guidelines and moral norms for humanoid robots.

Article 3: Guarantee that the intelligent design and deployment of humanoid robots do not threaten human security and effectively safeguard human dignity and safety.

Article 4: Advocate for human-robot symbiosis, advance the development of human-robot collaboration, and propel the advancement of humanoid robots to better serve society.

Article 5: Promote the concurrent advancement of science, technology, and human society; uphold human well-being through the rule of law; ensure that the development of science and technology, including humanoid robots, contributes to building a community with a shared future for mankind, and effectively prevent the misuse of science and technology.

Chapter II: Basic Guidelines

Article 6: The intelligent design and manufacture of humanoid robots should adhere to human values and ethical principles, ensuring the preservation of human life, dignity, and freedom.

Article 7: Enhance the transparency and interpretability of artificial intelligence algorithm models used in humanoid robotics to ensure their decisions and behaviors are comprehensible and controllable.

Article 8: Prioritize social responsibility and sustainability in the development and application of humanoid robot technology, fostering inclusive advancement of this technology.

Article 9: Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations in the development and implementation of humanoid robot technology. Establish early security warning and emergency response systems, enhance the monitoring and regulation of potential misuse of humanoid robot technology, and ensure the safety and legality of its application.

Chapter III: Innovative Development

Article 10: Encourage global investment in the humanoid robot industry and its demonstration applications from governments, industries, universities, and research institutions. Focus on developing new productive forces to drive technological innovation and industrial upgrading in humanoid robotics.

Article 11: Advocate for an open and inclusive cooperation mechanism within the humanoid robot industry, facilitate the interconnection of the industry chain, and foster a global ecosystem for the humanoid robot industry that is collaboratively developed, shared, and governed.

Article 12: Increase investment in scientific and technological resources, as well as research and development efforts. Strengthen the exploration of key robot technologies, support the timely and effective technology transfer and commercialization of innovative achievements, and promote the advancement and application of humanoid robot technology.

Article 13: Enhance the establishment of technical standards and norms, create a unified system for humanoid robot technology standards and norms, promote standardized industry development, and enhance product quality and safety.

Article 14: Establish a robust intellectual property protection system to safeguard researchers' rights and interests, advance technological innovation in humanoid robots, and uphold market order.

Article 15: Prioritize the development and exchange of talents, foster interdisciplinary research and collaborative innovation, advance value alignment across various dimensions, including ethics, rule of law, and security, and offer theoretical and technical support for industrial advancement.

Article 16: Launch the Global Humanoid Robot Industry Ecological Partnership Program to drive global demonstrations of humanoid robot applications and comprehensively advance the industry's healthy and sustainable development.

Chapter IV: Risk Management

Article 17: Developers, manufacturers, sellers, and users of humanoid robots must comply with relevant laws and regulations. Encourage the establishment of ethical research and compliance auditing agencies for humanoid robots to ensure their production and use adhere to safety standards and ethical requirements.

Article 18: Users of humanoid robots should receive relevant training and education to ensure ethical and lawful use of these machines, refrain from illegal activities or actions that may jeopardize social security, and uphold principles of ethics and moral conduct.

Article 19: The utilization of humanoid robots should adhere to predetermined rules and protocols in carrying out their tasks and must not alter task objectives or methods without proper authorization.

Article 20: Prioritize privacy and data protection in the design, manufacturing, and application of humanoid robots, ensuring data processing adheres to relevant laws, regulations, and technical standards.

Article 21: Establish a comprehensive risk warning and emergency response system for unauthorized use of humanoid robots to deter manufacturers and users from employing humanoid robots for illegal activities.

Article 22: Developers should establish risk warning procedures and background interrupt protocols to enable the interruption of humanoid robots in situations where users cannot maintain control or when the robots may potentially violate laws and ethical standards.

Chapter V: Global Governance

Article 23: Establish and enhance a global governance framework tailored to the developmental stage of humanoid robots. Promote the establishment of multilateral and bilateral mechanisms for governing humanoid robots, mobilize expertise from scientific, technological, industrial, and legal communities to ensure the development and application of humanoid robot technology consistently aligns with universal human values.

Article 24: Promote consensus-based actions for the governance of humanoid robots, encourage relevant stakeholders to establish regulations, standards, laws, and their corresponding implementation frameworks within specific domains to uphold legal order in the development and application of humanoid robot technology.

Article 25: Establish a comprehensive lifecycle management system for humanoid robots, enhancing safety assessment and certification in the design and manufacturing phases, regular maintenance and safety inspections during operation, and environmentally responsible treatment and resource recovery at the end-of-life stage to ensure safety, reliability, and sustainability across the entire lifecycle of these robots.

Article 26: Regularly release the Global Humanoid Robot Safety Assessment Report, widely disseminate relevant information to the public, specify channels and methods for public feedback and participation in oversight, and safeguard the public's right to access information and participate in supervision.

Article 27: Establish a safety risk education mechanism for humanoid robot users, promote general education on the application of humanoid robot technology, align the basic understanding and reasonable usage skills of society towards humanoid robots, avoid inappropriate emotional dependence of users, and effectively reduce misuse and abuse of humanoid robots.

Article 28: Reinforce the integration, synchronization, and open sharing of global regulations for humanoid robot governance, while establishing a global think tank and case database dedicated to humanoid robot governance.

Chapter VI: Supplementary Provisions

Article 29: These guidelines, revised by the Rule of Law Forum of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, were initially published and are subsequently updated.

Article 30: These guidelines are available for collective endorsement by international organizations engaged in the research, production, application, and regulation of humanoid robotics and are voluntarily adhered to by the endorsing parties.


Shanghai Law Society

National and Local Humanoid Robot Innovation Center

Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Industry Association

Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Standardization Technical Committee

Shanghai Court Digital Economy Judicial Research and Practice (Jiading) Base

Collective endorsement contacting: zhfzjk@vip.163.com

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