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澎湃新闻特约撰稿 周波
2023-07-26 15:04
外交学人 >






7月6日,当美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)抵达北京国际机场时,罕见的一幕出现了:一场阵雨过后,天空中出现了彩虹。美国驻华大使尼古拉斯·伯恩斯(Nicolas Burns)不失时机地向面带微笑的耶伦指出了这一点。中国国务院总理李强在会见耶伦时也提到了那道彩虹,他说:“我想,中美关系不止是风风雨雨......经历了风雨,我们一定会看到更多的彩虹。”

Janet Yellen


曾几何时,中美双方都认为两国军方之间的联系与沟通甚至可以成为政治或经济紧张局势中的压舱石。然而这种乐观情绪早已一去不复返。在时任美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)窜访台湾之后,北京方面以在台海周边地区举行数日军事演习作为回应,并中止了中美军方之间的互动。


6 月初在新加坡举行的香格里拉对话会上,李尚福将军和美国国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)只是简短地打了个招呼,然后两人就面无表情地坐在同一张桌子上,他们之间没有任何眼神交流,这令人唏嘘不已。对话会的四天前,北京方面拒绝了五角大楼邀请中国防长与美国防长在新加坡会面的邀请。



在香格里拉对话会上,当被问及中国海军舰机在台湾海峡拦截美国军舰的问题时,李尚福将军表示,他希望大家想一想为什么所有类似的问题都发生在中国附近,而不是其他国家附近?不可否认,两国军方之间的对话有时就像 “鸡同鸭讲”,但有的谈总比没得谈好。缺乏沟通必然会导致误解和误判。

这种缺乏沟通的情况甚至在冷战时期都没有出现过。尽管存在相当程度的敌意,但当时两个超级大国仍保持着畅通的沟通渠道,并制定了一系列建立信任的措施,其中一些,例如核军控条约——《新削减战略武器条约》(New START)即使在发生了俄乌冲突的情况下仍然有效。


理论上来说,解除对李尚福的制裁并不困难,因为制裁本身是拜登政府可以撤销的行政命令,但这对美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)来说可能是个政治上的挑战,因为他不希望在鹰派眼中显得对中国软弱,尤其是在2024年大选即将到来的这个时间点。




Why the US must revoke sanctions on China’s defence minister – now

While progress has been made on the diplomatic and military front, US-China military-to-military contact remains frozen

US sanction on Chinese Defence Minister General Li Shangfu is a sticking point that must be resolved to avoid the risk of dangerous miscalculations

When US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen arrived at Beijing’s international airport on July 6, something rare appeared – a rainbow in the sky after a shower. American ambassador to China Nicolas Burns wasted no time in pointing this out to a smiling Yellen. When he met Yellen, Chinese Premier Li Qiang also mentioned the rainbow, saying, “I think there is more to China-US relations than just wind and rain…we will surely see more rainbows after going through the wind and rain.”

The question is how much wind and rain we will have to confront before we see a rainbow again. While there seems to have been small advances in the diplomatic and economic fields, there is no sign of “de-risking” in one crucial area – communication between the two militaries.

There was a time when both sides believed that the military-to-military relationship could even serve as a ballast stone amid political or economic tension. Such optimism is long gone. In the wake of then US House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, Beijing responded with days of military exercises near and around the island and suspended US-China military-to-military interactions.

The question is even if the People’s Liberation Army wishes to resume dialogue now, it is simply impossible. General Li Shangfu, now Chinese defence minister and state councillor, used to head the PLA’s Equipment Development Department. He has been under US sanctions since 2018 over the purchase of combat aircraft and an air-defence missile system from Rosoboronexport, Russia’s main arms exporter.

This is ridiculous. China’s military trade with Russia was not in violation of any international regime and such trade between two sovereign states has nothing to do with the United States.

At the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore in early June, it was sad to see General Li and American Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin briefly greet each other and then sit stone-faced at the same table without making eye contact. Four days before the dialogue, Beijing declined the Pentagon’s invitation for a meeting between the Chinese defence minister and his American counterpart in Singapore.

If history provides useful lessons, contemporary American history could be read in another way – how its sanctions on others have repeatedly failed. The US sanctions on North Korea and Cuba didn’t succeed in regime change. Nor did they work in changing the behaviours of Myanmar, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen and Iran. The sanctions on Russia since the war in Ukraine, however massive, have stymied but not seriously crippled the Russian economy.

A frivolous sanction on China’s defence minister is closing a window that both countries would benefit from keeping open. Just imagine that during the five years of his tenure – longer than the tenure of an American president – China’s defence minister won’t be able to visit the United States and he won’t invite his American counterpart to visit China. There will be few, if any, exchanges at other levels.

Imagine for another moment that the Chinese and American military leaders don’t talk on a hotline which was established in 2008 and is supposed to play a crucial role in the most dangerous situations, be it in the South China Sea or in the Taiwan Strait.

At the Shangri-La Dialogue, when asked about a Chinese navy ship aircraft intercepting a US military vessel in the Taiwan Strait, Li asked people to think why all the problems occurred near China and not near other countries.

Admittedly, the military-to-military dialogue between the two countries sometimes resembles a conversation between people talking at cross-purposes, but it is better than no talk at all. The absence of communication will inevitably lead to misunderstanding and miscalculation.

Such a situation wasn’t even seen during the Cold War. In spite of absolute hostility, the two superpowers maintained open lines of communication and established a series of confidence-building measures, some of which, like the New START nuclear arms control treaty, are still in place, despite the Ukraine war.

Washington suspects that Beijing is using no communication as a strategy for reaping benefits. At the Shangri-La Dialogue, Austin said, “dialogue is not a reward. It is a necessity”. But for Beijing, American sanctions constitute a precondition itself and create a sour atmosphere even before talks start.

The US position that the sanctions do not technically prohibit a meeting between Austin and Li and therefore there is no need to remove them, is a textbook example of American hypocrisy.

Technically speaking, lifting sanctions on Li is not very difficult in that the sanction is an executive order that the Biden administration can revoke, but it might be politically challenging for US President Joe Biden, who doesn’t wish to appear weak towards Beijing in the eyes of China hawks, especially before the election in 2024.

There has been much discussion of whether we have slipped into a new cold war. But if the two largest militaries don’t talk to each other in the next five years, this situation would be more dangerous than anytime during the Cold War.

When they met in November last year, Biden and President Xi Jinping agreed on putting a “floor” under the relationship to ensure that competition did not veer into conflict. For that to happen – to loosely paraphrase Austin’s remarks – lifting sanctions on the Chinese defence minister is not a reward, it is a necessity. And the right time is now.

Senior Colonel Zhou Bo (ret) is a senior fellow of the Centre for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University and a China Forum expert







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