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ZHANG Yue: Carbon Reduction of Buildings Should b…

2022-05-16 08:00



Chairman and President of BROAD Group

The carbon reduction of buildings should be prioritized as carbon emissions of buildings account for more than half of the total emissions of the whole society. Finally, green transition and biodiversity can be promoted by setting caps on carbon emissions from building sand vehicles.

*This expression does not reflect the views and position of the BFA.


What is the “buzzword” or “keyword” in your mind when you talk about green development for year 2022?

ZHANG Yue: Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The work performance of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality is incorporated into the assessment indicators of governments at all levels.


Green development is a change of production method, which will also encourage the innovation of business model. And how to see the new opportunities How to work with upstream and downstream enterprises to reduce carbon emissions in the whole industry chain?

ZHANG Yue: First, it is necessary to improve energy efficiency in buildings, such as by promoting nearly zero-energy buildings, the sooner the better. Second, developing green standards in all industries, and setting standards with advanced countries and advanced enterprises as benchmarks. Third, capital and technology are not the problems to achieving green transition, while the key lies in conceptual change. Fourth, the carbon reduction of buildings should be prioritized as carbon emissions of buildings account for more than half of the total emissions of the whole society. Finally, green transition and biodiversity can be promoted by setting caps on carbon emissions from building sand vehicles.


China is at the peak of releasing “1+N” policies to achieve its dual carbon targets. What kind of systematic thinking is needed for China’s dual carbon policy, and how can the synergy among various policies be better utilized?

ZHANG Yue: First, we should give priority to sustained carbon reduction. For example, at present, the service life of new energy vehicles (NEVs) lasts only eight to 10 years, meaning that NEV-induced carbon reductionis only of a transitory nature without causing long-term effects, so NEVs and traction battery products should meet certain durability requirements. As another example, most wind power plants use blades made of glass fiber reinforced plastic, whose life span is typically 10 years-even five years in some cases. Taking building insulation as an example, if insulation materials such as foam or polystyrene board are used, the service life is limited, generally 30-40 years. If steel plates and rock wool are used for external wall insulation, the service life can be increased to 100 years.

Secondly, we should be ware of the potential negative effects of new energy or renewable energy technologies. For example, while promoting new-energy electric vehicles, we should impose mandatory standards for the recycling of waste batteries. Also, there must be absolutely safe and reliable solutions for the disposal of nuclear waste generated from nuclear energy utilization. Nuclear energy technology should simply be abandoned in the absence of such a solution. In short, exceptionally strict control standards should be developed against possible negative effects.

Third, we should increase support for original technological innovation. Strong policy support such as research funding, government subsidies, financial support and tax incentives should be given to innovative technologies capable of efficiently and continuously reducing carbon emissions with little or zero negative effect. In particular, support should be provided during the initial stages of innovative technology development, because private investors are generally not interested in early-stage research projects, making it difficult to develop innovative carbon reduction technologies without government funding support.


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原标题:《ZHANG Yue: Carbon Reduction of Buildings Should be Prioritized》









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