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活动报名 | 纪念但丁诞辰700周年:“但丁当代风景”系列活动论坛
以下文章来源于上海多伦现代美术馆 ,作者多伦
Antonino Marciano、Zane Mellupe
Andrey Varlamov、Davide Lombardo、Francesco D’Arelli、吴咏时、王贻芳、王杰
ifa Gallery
在艺、ZTV News
为纪念但丁诞辰700周年,“但丁当代风景”系列活动的第一场论坛将于2021年10月23日在上海多伦现代美术馆举行。活动由上海多伦现代美术馆、意大利驻上海总领事馆文化处(IIC)、意大利在华学者协会(AAIIC)、WhyWhyArt及欧洲艺术与科学学会(EASA)主办,活动获得意大利驻上海总领事馆、美第奇上海中心、ifa画廊、I-Gallery、上海喜玛拉雅美术馆、在艺、雍福会、阅音无界、ZTV NEWS及EURAXESS支持。
但丁·阿利吉耶里是欧洲人文主义的先驱,也是欧洲文化遗产的重要组成部分。但丁的《神曲》是意大利文学的里程碑 ,是中世纪欧洲文学中最伟大的作品之一,已被翻译成130多种语言。但丁对天堂和地狱的深刻见解以及人类对“圆形”、“球体”的不同表达的文字之旅,在我们如何看待这一永恒的风景以及风景线上的人类生命留下了永远的印记。从这个意义上说,但丁的作品是那个时代的“当代作品”,也是今天的当代作品。
几个世纪以来 ,但丁启发了艺术家、科学家、哲学家和作家。但丁《神曲》的影响和当代解读是本次展览的主要焦点之一 ,至今仍引发艺术与科学之间的对话。现代科学思想的诞生与十五世纪以来人文主义在佛罗伦萨的兴盛密不可分。但丁站在前人文主义思想的最前沿,大力提倡获取知识,以提升人类的环境。
在意大利驻上海总领事馆文化处总监Francesco D'arelli介绍“但丁当代风景”系列活动后,论坛将由中国科学院高能物理研究所所长王贻芳就中意高能粒子物理合作的演讲以及犹他大学名誉教授吴咏时八十年代在北京理论物理研究所与Giorgio Parisi合作的纪念拉开帷幕。主题演讲环节将由安德烈·瓦拉莫夫(Andrey Varlamov)这位活跃在固态领域的杰出理论物理学家和超导电性专家,在演讲中提供一个基于史实的补充,演讲内容从罗马和雅典来到佛罗伦萨和克拉科夫,再回到罗马,强调科学思想的文化渊源。戴维德·奥拉齐奥·伦巴多(Davide Orazio Lombardo)会就文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨的文化、经济和政治环境给出历史的深刻观点。最后,知识产权专家王杰将介绍威尼斯作为经济发展模式的情况,强调古代威尼斯首次实现了知识产权。
论坛的主题将由驻上海的欧洲艺术家和艺术策展人赞恩·梅卢佩(Zane Mellupe)介绍,而意大利驻华学者协会主席、复旦大学物理学教授、乔治·帕里西(Giorgio Parisi)在罗马时的学生安东尼诺·马西亚诺(Antonino Marciano)将为本次论坛主持一场对话。
Dante Alighieri was the precursor of European humanism and key pillar of European cultural heritage. Dante’s Divine Comedy, a landmark in Italian literature, is among the greatest works of all medieval European literature and it has been translated into more than 130 languages. Dante’s profound vision of Heaven, Hell and the human voyage through different circles and spheres has left eternal mark on how we think about human life and see it projected on the eternal landscape. In that sense Dante’s works were “contemporary” in his time, and are contemporary still nowadays.
Over the centuries Dante has inspired artists, scientists, philosophers, and writers. The influence and contemporary interpretation of Dante’s Divine Comedy is one of the main focuses of the series of events and it still nowadays raises up the discourse between art and science.
The birth of the modern scientific thought is inextricably related to way humanism had flourished in Florence, over the XV century. Dante was at the forefront of a pre-humanistic thought, powerfully advocating the access to knowledge in order to elevate the human condition.
Indeed, the human mind must be at the center of the Universe, and mankind shall constitute its measure. This scientific elevation naturally accomplished a cultural Renaissance. The related scientific humanism was finally powerfully summarized by the studies carried out by another distinguished Florentine, Leonardo Da Vinci. Finally, within the rich cultural milieux of the Florence of the Renaissance time, Galileo Galilei stated the rules of the modern rational scientific method.
This outstanding progression of the human thought, taking place in few decades, opened a pathway to modernity. We review this incredible historical time by focusing on the paradigmatic figures of Dante Alighieri, Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei. We acknowledge the political and social environment of Florence, which made possible this miracle, and further focus on the model of economical development of another important center of the Renaissance, Venice. After the introduction that will be offered by Francesco D’Arelli, director of the Italian Institute of Culture, to the series of events "Dante 700 - contemporary landscape", the forum will be started by the speeches of Yifang Wang, director in IHEP, on the collaborations among China and Italy in high energy particle physics, and the commemoration by Yong-Shi Wu, Emeritus professor at Utah University, of the years of collaboration with Giorgio Parisi, Nobel prize for physics 2021, during the ‘80s at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Beijing. Andrey Varlamov, distinguished theoretical physicist active in the field of solid state and expert of superconductivity, will be then provide in his lecture an historical excursus, from Rome and Athens, to Florence and Krakow, and hence back to Rome, emphasising the humanistic and cultural origins of the scientific thought. Davide Orazio Lombardo will give a historical insight on the renaissance cultural, economical and political environment of Florence. Finally, Wang Jie, an expert of intellectual property rights, will talk about Venice as a model of economical development, emphasising the first realisation of intellectual property in ancient Venice.
The topic of the forum will be introduced by Zane Mellupe, artist and art curator from Europe based in Shanghai, while the dialogue will be conducted by Antonino Marciano, president of the association of Italian scholars in China (AAIIC), professor of physics at Fudan University, former student in Rome of Giorgio Parisi.
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Andrey Varlamov
安德烈-瓦拉莫夫1954年4月25日出生于乌克兰基辅。1971年,他毕业于基辅自然科学学院No.145。同年,他被莫斯科物理技术学院录取,六年后以优异成绩获得兰道学院的硕士学位。紧接着,他在因研究超导性而获得诺贝尔物理学奖的A.A. Abrikosov的指导下,在莫斯科钢铁和合金学院开始了博士课程,并于1980年获得凝聚态物理学博士学位。在同一所大学,他于1988年被授予Habilitatus(物理和数学科学博士)。1981年至1999年,他在莫斯科钢铁和合金学院理论物理系担任研究员、高级研究员(1985年)、副教授(1987年)和正教授(1990年)。1993年,他成为美国阿贡国家实验室凝聚态理论组的特邀研究员, 1996年作为特邀教授首先在罗马大学Tor Vergata工作,随后在在1997年至2000年同样作为特邀教授来到波尔多大学和佛罗伦萨大学。1999年到2005年,他担任明尼苏达大学和帕维亚大学的客座教授,在罗马大学Tor Vergata分校兼职教授至今。自1999年以来,他在意大利国家研究委员会(SPIN-CNR)的超导体、氧化物和其他创新材料和设备研究所担任研究主任。
Andrey Varlamov was born on 25 April 1954 in Kiev, Ukraine. In 1971 he graduated from Kyiv Natural Science Lyceum No. 145. The same year, he was admitted to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and got his master's degree cum laude from the Landau Institute six years later.Immediately after, he started the Ph.D. program under the supervision of A.A. Abrikosov, Nobel Prize in physics for his studies on superconductivity, at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys and received his Ph.D. in condensed matter physics in 1980. At the same university he was awarded his Habilitatus (Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences) in 1988. From 1981 to 1999 he worked as a researcher, senior researcher (1985), associated (1987) and full professor (1990) at the Department of Theoretical Physics in Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. In 1993 he became an invited fellow at the Condensed Matter Theory Group of Argonne National Laboratory in United States and then starting from 1996 worked as an invited professor at first at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and then from 1997 to 2000 held the same position at both University of Bordeaux and the University of Florence. From 1999 to 2005 he was a visiting professor at the University of Minnesota and Pavia. At the University of Rome Tor Vergata he is an adjunct professor to this day. Since 1999 he works as a research director at the Institute of Superconductors, Oxides and other Innovative Materials and Devices of the Italian National Research Council (SPIN-CNR).
Davide Lombardo
达维德-隆巴多是上海纽约大学通识教育学院的助理教授。Lombardo同时也在佛罗伦萨纽约大学和佛罗伦萨肯特州立大学教授历史。他目前正与马塞拉-西蒙尼-帕尔格雷夫(Marcella Simoni-Palgrave)共同撰写关于意大利20世纪种族主义历史的书籍,预计将于2021年出版。他拥有欧洲大学研究所(意大利菲耶索莱)的历史和文明博士学位。他的研究重点是19世纪到20世纪的欧洲城市文化。隆巴多拥有意大利现代意大利历史学位和法国现代法国历史学位,并在爱丁堡、约克(英国)、格勒诺布尔(法国)以及比萨和佛罗伦萨(意大利)广泛学习。他曾是耶鲁大学刘易斯-沃波尔图书馆的客座研究员,耶鲁大学英国艺术中心的客座研究员,以及亨廷顿图书馆的安德鲁-W-梅隆研究员。
Davide Lombardo is an Assistant Professor Faculty Fellow of Liberal Studies at NYU Shanghai. Lombardo also teaches history at NYU Florence and Kent State University Florence. His current project is an edited book with Marcella Simoni-Palgrave, expected for publication in 2021, on the 20th century history of racism in Italy. He holds a doctorate in History and Civilization from the European University Institute (Fiesole, Italy). His research focuses on European Urban Culture from the 19th to the 20th century. Lombardo holds an Italian degree in modern Italian history and a French degree in modern French history and has studied extensively in Edinburgh, York (UK), Grenoble (France), and Pisa and Florence (Italy). He has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the Lewis Walpole Library at Yale University, a Visiting Fellow at the Yale Center for British Art, and a Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the Huntington Library.
Jie Wang (1985) is currently an assistant professor at Koguan Law School, Shanghai Jiaotong University. His research focuses on Intellectual Property Law, particularly on copyright law, and also covers European Law and Comparative law. In Oct. 2016, he finished his PhD research and received this doctor degree from Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Antonino Marciano
Zane Mellupe
是一位来自欧洲,常驻上海的艺术家和策展人。她工作的重要部分是参与社会艺术、城市更新项目以及文献研究。Zane Mellupe是永康路艺术街和WhyWhyArt的创始人,豫园路艺术街概念的开发者和策展人,也是六岛集体艺术机构的共同创始人。EASA - 艺术与科学协会联合创始人。
她的教育背景包括:汉学本科;上海戏剧学院 戏剧方向研究;上海师范大学 文学学士;伦敦艺术学院文学硕士等。Zane的策展工作可以分为两个部分:个人部分和社交部分,她邀请其他艺术家参与社会主题的研究。在过去的10年里,Zane为画廊、博物馆、节日和艺术博览会策划了100多个展览。在过去的4年里,Zane与上海德国文化部合作共同举办了文化管理系列活动。
Francesco D’Arelli
2012年开始他在外交部工作,担任文化促进领域的文职人员,并于2014年1月获得国家科学资格,担任 "中亚和东亚文明 "大学教授(副教授)。Francesco D'Arelli在2016年至2021年6月期间担任蒙特利尔文化研究所的主任。目前他是意大利驻上海总领事馆文化处总监。
实验高能物理学家,中国科学院院士、俄罗斯科学院外籍院士、发展中国家科学院院士,中国科学院高能物理研究所所长、研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院大学核科学与技术学院院长 。
王贻芳长期从事高能物理实验研究。在中微子方面,是大亚湾实验方案的主要提出者,领导完成其设计、建设与研究;提出并领导了江门中微子实验。在正负电子对撞方面,领导了北京正负电子对撞机上新的北京谱仪的设计、建造及前期的研究 。
原标题:《活动报名 | 纪念但丁诞辰700周年:“但丁当代风景”系列活动论坛》
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