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澎湃新闻记者 石伟杰
2015-10-06 14:26
私家历史 >

当地时间10月5日,美国历史学会(American Historical Association)公布了2015年度获奖名单,颁奖典礼将于明年1月7日在亚特兰大举行。其中,国内学界较为关注的费正清奖(The John K. Fairbank Prize)花落新奥尔良洛约拉大学(Loyola Univ. New Orleans)的Rian Thum,作品为The Sacred Routes of Uyghur History(Harvard Univ. Press, 2014)。该书认为,通过追溯漫长的地方宗教和文化传统,才能对维吾尔族人的历史形成较为真切的理解。它利用了察合台和波斯的文献、当代维吾尔族小说、涂鸦以及民族志田野调查,以揭示历史的复杂面貌。去年该奖授予了哥伦比亚大学历史系教授查尔斯•K.阿姆斯特朗(Charles K. Armstrong)的《弱者的专制:北朝鲜与世界,1950–1992》一书。

据洛约拉大学官网介绍,Rian Thum是学考古出身,2000年在密苏里大学获得学士学位,曾做过叙利亚、罗马尼亚和中国的学术项目。后在哈佛大学从事内亚和阿尔泰语方面的研究,主题是新疆维吾尔族人的历史,2010年获得博士学位,目前担任洛约拉大学人文和自然科学学院助理教授(Assistant Professor)。

值得注意的是,该名单还包括约翰·E·奥康纳电影奖(The John E. O’Connor Film Award),获奖影片是《为奴十二载》(2013)和纪录片The Ghosts of Amistad: In the Footsteps of the Rebels。



赫伯特•巴克斯特•亚当斯奖(The Herbert Baxter Adams Prize):1815年以前的欧洲史

Emily J. Levine (Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro), Dreamland of Humanists: Warburg, Cassirer, Panofsky, and the Hamburg School (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2013)

乔治•路易斯•比尔奖(The George Louis Beer Prize):1895年以后的欧洲国际史

Frederick Cooper (New York Univ.), Citizenship between Empire and Nation: Remaking France and French Africa, 1945–1960 (Princeton Univ. Press, 2014)

杰里•本特利奖(The Jerry Bentley Prize):世界史

Adam Clulow (Monash Univ.), The Company and the Shogun: The Dutch Encounter with Tokugawa Japan (Columbia Univ. Press, 2014)

阿伯特•J.贝弗里奇奖(The Albert J. Beveridge Award):哥伦布大发现(1492)之后的美洲史

Elizabeth A. Fenn (Univ. of Colorado Boulder), Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People (Hill & Wang, 2014)

Greg Grandin (New York Univ.), The Empire of Necessity: Slavery, Freedom, and Deception in the New World (Metropolitan Books, 2014)

詹姆斯•亨利•布雷斯特奖(The James Henry Breasted Prize):公元1000年以前的历史

Nicolas Tackett (Univ. of California, Berkeley), The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy (Harvard University Asia Center, 2014)

雷蒙德 J. 坎宁安奖(The Raymond J. Cunningham Prize):本科生优秀论文奖(发表在历史学院杂志)

Michael Welker (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, BA 2014), Faculty Sponsor: James L. Leloudis (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), “Nothing without a Demand: Black Power and Student Activism on North Carolina College Campuses, 1967–1973,” Traces: The UNC-Chapel Hill Journal of History (Spring 2014)

约翰·H·邓宁奖(The John H. Dunning Prize,两年一次):美国历史

Kate Brown (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County), Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters (Oxford Univ. Press, 2013)

费正清奖(The John K. Fairbank Prize):19世纪以后的东亚史

Rian Thum (Loyola Univ. New Orleans), The Sacred Routes of Uyghur History (Harvard Univ. Press, 2014)

莫里斯 D. 福克奇奖(The Morris D. Forkosch Prize):玫瑰战争(1485)以后的英国史

Gregory E. O’Malley (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz), Final Passages: The Intercolonial Slave Trade of British America, 1619–1807 (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2014)

里欧•格什奖(The Leo Gershoy Award):18-19世纪的西欧史

John C. Rule (Ohio State Univ.) and Ben S. Trotter (Columbus State Community Coll.), A World of Paper: Louis XIV, Colbert de Torcy, and the Rise of the Information State (McGill-Queens Univ. Press, 2014)

威廉姆&埃德温纳•吉尔伯特奖(The William and Edwyna Gilbert Award):历史教学优秀论文奖

Peter Burkholder (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.), “A Content Means to a Critical Thinking End: Group Quizzing in History Surveys,” The History Teacher 47, no. 4 (August 2014): 551–78

J.富兰克林·詹姆逊奖(The J. Franklin Jameson Award,两年一次):基础史料编纂(the editing of primary sources)

Emily Levine (independent scholar), Witness: A Húŋkpapȟa Historian’s Strong-Heart Song of the Lakotas (Univ. of Nebraska Press, 2013)

David Luscombe (Univ. of Sheffield), The Letter Collection of Peter Abelard and Heloise (Oxford Univ. Press, 2013)

弗里德里希•卡茨奖(The Friedrich Katz Prize):拉美和加勒比历史

Ada Ferrer (New York Univ.), Freedom’s Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014)

琼•凯利纪念奖(The Joan Kelly Memorial Prize):女性史(女性主义理论)

Susan S. Lanser (Brandeis Univ.), The Sexuality of History: Modernity and the Sapphic, 1565–1830 (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2014)

马丁A. 克莱因奖(The Martin A. Klein Prize):非洲史研究

Frederick Cooper (New York Univ.), Citizenship between Empire and Nation: Remaking France and French Africa, 1945–1960 (Princeton Univ. Press, 2014)

利特尔顿-格里斯沃尔德奖(The Littleton-Griswold Prize):美国法律与社会

Cornelia H. Dayton (Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs) and Sharon V. Salinger (Univ. of California, Irvine), Robert Love’s Warnings: Searching for Strangers in Colonial Boston (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2014)

J. 拉塞尔•梅杰奖(The J. Russell Major Prize):法国史

Michael Kwass (Johns Hopkins Univ.), Contraband: Louis Mandrin and the Making of a Global Underground (Harvard Univ. Press, 2014)

海伦&霍华德•R.毛瑞欧奖(The Helen and Howard R. Marraro Prize):意大利历史研究和意美关系研究

David I. Kertzer (Brown Univ.), The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe (Random House, 2014)

乔治L.莫斯奖(The George L. Mosse Prize):16世纪以来的欧洲思想文化史

Ekaterina Pravilova (Princeton Univ.), A Public Empire: Property and the Quest for the Common Good in Imperial Russia (Princeton Univ. Press, 2014)

约翰·E·奥康纳电影奖(The John E. O’Connor Film Award):历史题材影视(outstanding interpretations of history through film)

Dramatic Feature: 12 Years a Slave, Steve McQueen, director; Brad Pitt, producer (Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2013)

Documentary: The Ghosts of Amistad: In the Footsteps of the Rebels, Tony Buba, director; Marcus Rediker, producer (Univ. of Pittsburgh, 2014)

詹姆斯A. 罗利奖(The James A. Rawley Prize):20世纪以前大西洋世界的融合

Ada Ferrer (New York Univ.), Freedom’s Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014)

Gregory E. O’Malley (Univ. of California, Santa Cruz), Final Passages: The Intercolonial Slave Trade of British America, 1619–1807 (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 2014)

约翰F. 理查德兹奖(The John F. Richards Prize):南亚史

Richard M. Eaton (Univ. of Arizona) and Phillip B. Wagoner (Wesleyan Univ.), Power, Memory, Architecture: Contested Sites on India’s Deccan Plateau, 1300–1600 (Oxford Univ. Press, 2014)

多罗西·罗森伯格奖(The Dorothy Rosenberg Prize):犹太侨民史

Libby Garland (Kingsborough Community Coll., City Univ. of New York), After They Closed the Gates: Jewish Illegal Immigration to the United States, 1921–1965 (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2014)

罗伊·罗森茨威格奖(The Roy Rosenzweig Prize):免费提供新媒体项目的数字化历史(Innovation in Digital History to a freely available new media project)

The First Days Project, South Asian American Digital Archive

韦斯利-洛根奖(The Wesley-Logan Prize):非洲侨民史

Ada Ferrer (New York Univ.), Freedom’s Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014)


尤金•阿谢尔杰出教学奖(The Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award):高校历史教学优秀奖

Kimberley Mangun (Univ. of Utah)


Kevin A. Wagner (Carlisle Area School District, Carlisle, PA)

公平奖(Equity Awards):奖励在招募少数种族成员进入历史专业方面做出重大贡献的个人或机构

Individual Award: Víctor Macías-González (Univ. of Wisconsin, LaCrosse)

Institutional Award: Academic Diversity Program at Duke Univ.

赫伯特•费斯奖(The Herbert Feis Award):公众历史杰出贡献奖Pamela M. Henson (Smithsonian Institution Archives)

南希•莱曼•罗科 优秀导师奖(The Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award):奖励大力提携后进、培育学术新秀的历史教师Brian Balogh (Univ. of Virginia)


Natsuki Aruga (Saitama Univ., Japan)


Ira Berlin (Univ. of Maryland, College Park)

Asuncion Lavrin (Arizona State Univ.)







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