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创新设计学院2021「PLAYSHOP 玩吧」国际联合设计教学课程第三季即将开启

2021-06-09 20:07

时 间

2021.6.15 - 7.15

主 办 / 承 办

中国美术学院 创新设计学院

2021年,中国美术学院创新设计学院第三季“Playshop/玩吧”国际联合设计教学课程(原名YOUNG to young 国际联合教学工作坊)即将全面启动。Playshop是中国美术学院创新设计学院设置在第三学期的国际化课程项目(又称小学期),至今已成功举办两届,是中国美术学院首次尝试区别于传统教学单元的,跨专业融合的全球联合教学实验。2021年6月15日-7月15日,中国美术学院创新设计学院将再次发起新一年的“Playshop/玩吧”。课程将首次扩展到三个年级,1200 余名创新设计学院学生45名国际导师65名国内高校导师49名全国其他高校选拔学生,将同时参与到这场融合教学实验中。

中国美术学院创新设计学院本科国际联合设计课程,是一门贯穿三年分三个阶段的小学期的设计拓展课程。该课程有别于常规教学单元,欲冲破阶段式、渐进式、章节式传统课程布局,旨在开启一种“游戏本能 (Spieltrieb)” 的教学模式,尝试将游戏中的“玩”“Play”、“局”“One Game”、“场”“A Game”三个概念与教学手法和教学导向相对应,并作为对原有教学内容的补充与映射。

教学模式定义为“Playshop”是对“Workshop”的一种演变与提升,中文译为“玩吧”(Come to Play)。游戏本能教学模式指向“审美”和“感受力”的启蒙,让“共同经历、共同涉险、共同游戏”成为一种新的教学情境,让课程在“游戏”中展开艺术与生活的自治,也是自我教育即自我解放。由此形成新的感知机制,这种新感知机制凝结为一种新的精神气质,成为新的集体时空和共同世界的塑造方式。以一对多的单向性知识输出在今天艺术设计教育中暴露出的危机,使得我们必须采取一种新的教学模式取而代之,教与学的互相质疑、共同反思、彼此协同的模式将对未来设计教育带来突破性改变。

The third session of the Playshop International Collaborative Design Curriculum(originally "YOUNG to young International Collaborative Curriculum")will be fully launched in 2021 at the School of Design and Innovation (SDI), China Academy of Art (CAA). Playshop is an international curriculum project of the third semester in SDI, which has last 2 years and also the first global joint teaching experiment in CAA, that attempts to reorganize students in different classes, which is different from our traditional teaching model. This year we will expand the Playshop to three grades for the first time, and nearly 1,200students 45 international tutors to match 65 domestic tutors 49 students from other universities will participate in an integrated teaching experiment, on-site exhibition, and design action.

The international collaborative curriculum offered by School of Design & Innovation ofCAA is an supplementary course running through three school years (4 weeks eachyear). Differing from other conventional courses, it means to rise above the limitationsin the stage-by-stage, step-by-step and chapter-by-chapter teaching philosophy.Meanwhile a gaming instinct (German: Spieltrieb) teaching mode will be establishedand a correspondence between the three concepts in games— "Play," "One game," "Agame" and two key elements in teaching—methods and orientation would be set up.Besides, the new course also can be taken as a supplement and mapping to presentteaching contents.

The new teaching mode named "Playshop" is an evolution from "Workshop." In Chineseit means "Come to Play," while the "gaming instinct" teaching method aims to cultivatethe sense of aesthetic and perception. "experiencing together, adventuring together and gaming together" will form a new teaching scenarios. In the process of gaming, the autonomy of art and life could be achieved at the same time, which is also a kindof self-education or -liberation. Then a new perceptual mechanism comes into being,from which a new spiritual temperament and different methods in shaping the sharedspace and world will arise. In nowadays art design education, disadvantages revealedby the old one-to-many teaching mode push us figure out a replacement. The modeof mutual questioning between the teaching and learning, reflecting together andcooperating with each other will bring about a breakthrough to design education in thefuture.


“幻觉 / Illusion”

“猜想 / Conjecture”

“宣言 / Manifesto”


“玩” Play | “局” One Game | “场” A Game


Playshop in this year will apply As themes of three grades. We aim to establish the structural correspondence between three concepts and related concepts in teaching. Also establish a set of contributing teaching methods with collaborating tutor groups. The core conception of the course is to establish a structure of 3 levels in teaching methods based on three levels of game: “Play”, “One Game”, “A Game”.



Course Introduction for Grade 3

中国美术学院创新设计学院三年级小学期课程主题“宣言”,“宣言” 是一个行动展开的纲领,是一句明辨彼此的暗号,是一场饱含情感的广而告之,是一场游戏开启的约定。三年级的“宣言”主题课程重点导向创业创想与设计行动的发起,通过“仪式、宣言、节日、狂欢、展演、作秀、介入”等课程方法性关键词展开教学组织和理论建构,重塑学生的自我价值和社会观念,引导学生展开多平台、跨语境的社会介入,启蒙学生的集体性表达、公共性展示、协同性创成的勇气和魄力。


Manifesto was selected as the theme for the course of the 3rd semester of junior yearat CAA School of Innovation and Design. Manifesto is the guiding principle of action,secret signal to recognize each other, an affectionate announcement and a promise tostart a game. The manifesto-themed course offered for 3rd year students is orientedtowards arousing their reflection on business ideas and design action. Teachingactivities and theoretical construction will come to happen with ritual, declaration,festival, carnival, exhibition and performance, show and intervention. Along the way,self-worth and social perceptions of students will be reshaped and they will be guidedto get involved in multi-media and cross-context social intervention. And finally thecourage of collective expression, public exhibition and cooperative creation will comeinto existence.

The core teaching concept for the third year students is "A Game". A game, a dream.Are games awakening a kind of group consciousness or inculcating a sense of totality?Games, as a concept of totality, reflect the collective and social reaction to culture trendsand operating mechanism. Only with group manifesto, can we change the perceptualstructure of individual, avoid being stuck in single structure--only discourse, thoughts orcreation and motivate sensibility, imagination and creativity in a larger social context.

* 特邀嘉宾导师 *

Special Guest Tutor Lecture

* 三年级导师 *

Tutor Group for Grade 3

流程 / 规则 / 空间

Process, Rule and Space



Course Introduction for Grade 2

中国美术学院创新设计学院二年级小学期课程主题“猜想”, “没有大胆的猜想,就不可能有伟大的发现和发明”(伊塞克·牛顿)。“将科学作为‘第三种观点’加入对真实和虚拟世界的猜测,致力于求证、描述、表现、检验猜想的真实性,获取设计的创造力。”(卡尔·波普尔)二年级的“猜想”主题课程重点导向设计思辨与方法论的创新,通过“策略、规则、媒介、处境、协作、路径、操控、推导”等课程方法性关键词展开教学组织和理论建构,重塑学生的设计观念从而开拓研究性思考,引导学生展开多路径、多策略的设计思维的训练,启蒙学生的批判性意识和方法论建构。

二年级的核心教学理念为“局”。“做局”、“破局”是二年级的集体游戏中的“局”性,求证“猜想”的过程正是一种设计推理、设计检验、设计表达的过程。是一种基于规则的模拟(Rule-based Simulation),这种模拟具备“半真实”“半推测”的特征,是一种建立在畅想、观察、假设之上的真实规则。

Conjecture was selected as the theme for the course of the 3rd semester ofsophomore year at CAA School of Innovation and Design. “Without bold guesses,there will be no great discoveries”(Issac Newton). “taking science as the 3rd viewpoint inpredicting the real and virtual world, committed to verifying, depicting, uncovering andtesting the authenticity of the prediction, then creativity of design will be obtained“(Karl Popper). The “conjecture”themed course offered for sophomore students is orientedtowards design innovation on spekulation and methodology. Teaching activities andtheoretical construction will happen gradually with establishing strategies, making rules,selecting mediums, aware of situation, cooperating, looking for routes, manipulating anddeducing. The design concepts of students will be reshaped to expand their inquiringthoughts and lead them to carry out multi-path and -strategy training on design thinking.Then the critical consciousness and methodology will be set up.

The core teaching concept for the sophomore students is “One Game”.Thenature of “One Game”will be presented through“Making Game”and ”BreakingGame”in group game. The process of verifying “conjecture”is the same as indesign reasoning,testing and expressing. It is a kind of rule-based simulation withcharacteristics of semi-authentic and -hypothesis, a real rule built on imagination,observation and hypothesis.

◐ 二年级导师 ◑

Tutor Group for Grade 2

( ☻ - ☻ )


Course Introduction for Grade 1



Illusion was selected as the theme for the course of the 3rd semester of the freshmanyear at CAA School of Innovation and Design. Illumination is expected to obtained by means of illusion. In Chinese, Huan Jue(illusion) is composed of two characters.Huan means wrongly perceived while Jue, on the other hand, means realizing orinsight. Exploring truth in false belief and acquiring insight through confusions. It is also a way of thinking about where the significance of art and design lie. The illusion-themed course offered for freshman year students is oriented towards visual creation.Teaching activities and theoretical construction will happen gradually with studentsfeeling curiosity, facing up to their own ignorance, taking action, practising, perceiving,repeating, recreating and finally taking departure. Along the way, the body of theirvisual understanding and observing experience will be reshaped. Creation impulse andconscious thinking will emerge by instructing students to carry out experiments withdifferent materials and medium in different forms.

The core teaching concept for the freshman year students is "PLAY" . They areexpected to form their own aesthetic sense and acquire skills in “Playing whileLearning”. when playing, we tend to shake off the restriction of usual inertia thinkingand to get reborn. Play is a dynamic procedure, which drive us to sense the meaningof life and freedom of aesthetic. Teachers and students are encouraged to experiencetogether, adventure together and game together.

☻ 一年级导师 ☻

Tutor Group for Grade 1

幻 觉 · 猜 想 · 宣 言


高世名 刘正 韩绪




韩绪 吴小华 段卫斌 俞佳迪

陈华沙 姜珺 李轶军


刘益红 胡晓琛


林村 顾文佳 张斌斌 张婷 冯宇纯 李文馨









学生管理 / 行政执行

李 阳 冯 莉 陈秋宇

何 峰 古 蕾 陆君霞

郦 君 倪晓静 张鼎力


吴翘楚 陈钰林 金煜皓 李如歌 吕洁雅 陈韩迅 喻启扬 段馨 项一帆 陈嘉梓 胡许恒 钟佳吉 李倜然 向融 陈艺衫 金鑫 陈子健 涂宇嘉 温辉


◑◑◑ 往年 PLAYSHOP 回顾 ◑◑◑

2020 课程主海报

第二季国际联合设计教学课程以“Illusion幻觉”为题,集体发明与思考当代科技与艺术语境下的新感知体系。“幻觉”作为艺术语言对可见世界的指称方式,即通显,又神秘,迄今仍奥妙深藏,在视觉变异的历史中,我们习得了视错觉(Optical Illusion)、歪像 (Anamorphosis)、虚幻图景(Phantom Image)、刺激模式(Stimulus Pattern )、仿真镜像(Mirror Images),这一切使我们置身“同一性幻觉”之中,在被模拟物包围,被幻影支配的视觉控制之下,用最彰显的“虚假”,制造出了“超真实”(Hyper-Reality)的感知。更有物理学家提出了一个大“脑洞”观点:宇宙可能只是一个巨大的幻影,宇宙万物都不是真实存在的,宇宙中的事物完全只是被投影的幻象!“幻觉”让我们在知觉理论与错觉实验之间启动了可能性,使科技与艺术有机会在此碰撞与协力,共同“创造与发明”、“制作与匹配”(Making and Matching),探索世界中的惊奇与奥秘。

We launched the theme of “Illusion” for the second session of YOUNG to young(Playshop) International Collaborative Design Curriculum, in order to think and practice a new transcendental system in the context of contemporary technology and art. "Illusion" was once defined as the basic way of the existence of art (Suzanne Langer), and a denotational method in which the language of art refers to the visible world is both obvious and mysterious. We have learned Optical Illusions, Anamorphosis, Phantom Images, Stimulus Patterns, and Mirror Images, etc. All of these placed us in the “Identity Illusion”. Under the control of a vision surrounded by Simulacra and dominated by phantoms, a perception of Hyper-Reality was created with the most manifest "Falsity". Additionally, there was a physicist proposed a more "Whimsicality" view: the universe may just be a huge illusion and everything in the universe is not a solid existing, but simply a projected image! "Illusion" allows us to open up possibilities between the theory of perception and the experiment of illusion, where technology and art collide and work together to "Create and Invent", "Make and Match", exploring the wonders and mysteries of the world.


2020 导师组图谱

2019 主海报


The first session of Playshop took place successfully between June.3 2019 - June.30, 2019. We applied "Playshop" as the theme of the first session of YOUNG to young(Now we focus on “Playshop”). "Playshop" is a variant "Workshop", translated as "玩吧" (Come to Play) in Chinese, it refers to "Inventing interesting workshops" in the context of the course, or creating imaginary practices based on a series of paths that playable, interactive or rich in visual experiences. "Playshop" offers an altitude of happiness, pleasures and passion, to create a new form of interactive experiences also visual perceptions. We intend to hide all teaching and learning in "Playing", but at the same time, our purpose is to "Play".


来 源 |创新设计学院

编 辑 |刘 杨 王思凡

审 核 |丁红旗 刘益红




原标题:《创新设计学院2021「PLAYSHOP 玩吧」国际联合设计教学课程第三季即将开启》









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